How To Clean & Maintain Your Motorcycle Helmet?

Taking care of your bike accessories, not just the motorcycle itself is also a part of the journey. Constant riding can cover your motorcycle, helmet, and your wearing with dirt and mud.

To get rid of them, you need to give wash both your bike and helmet when they need. If you think the helmet becomes a pile of dust, you should take the necessary steps to make it clean. Here is how to do that,

  • Use mild washers to clean, and don’t use anything that can harm the surface and the helmet material
  • Separate all the detachable parts from your helmet such as the inner pads/liner, and visor to make the job easier
  • Use microfibre to avoid scratches on your helmet and mild liquid washing ingredients such as johnson’s baby shampoo or you can buy foam fresh cleaner to get the job done. You can also use a toothbrush to reach any edges
  • Choose a higher workplace and gather all the necessary ingredients. Soak the microfiber in water, take a liquid washer and rub it on the helmet. You can wash the inner pads just simply dipping them in hot water
  • If you have any manual with the helmet, make sure to follow the instructions 

A motorcycle helmet is the most important piece of gear for riders. Let’s see how to take care of a helmet in this video

Nesar Uddin Ahmad
Writer & Editor at Helmets Advisor

Near Uddin Ahmad is a chief content writer and editor in Helmets Advisor. He is a dedicated writer with first-hand experience with helmets as he actually loves traveling and hiking to keep his footprint on the surface of the earth.

That’s why his testing and inspecting of helmets and accessories is trustworthy to present to potential users. Besides, he usually provides authentic and liable suggestions with value-added that help pick the best helmets on the go.

By Nesar Uddin Ahmad

Near Uddin Ahmad is a chief content writer and editor in Helmets Advisor. He is a dedicated writer with first-hand experience with helmets as he actually loves traveling and hiking to keep his footprint on the surface of the earth. That’s why his testing and inspecting of helmets and accessories is trustworthy to present to potential users. Besides, he usually provides authentic and liable suggestions with value-added that help pick the best helmets on the go.