D. O. T is a standard for helmet certification in the United States. It is one of the few standards for helmets that meet safety requirements provided by the Department of Transportation. The standard applies to helmets sold in the United States for on-road use. You can find the equivalent standard for helmets in Europe called ECE 22.05.
To ensure the highest safety, the DOT-certified helmet comes through several tests, such as impact attenuation, penetration, and the retention strap test. DOT-certified helmets provide comprehensive protection from any impending danger on the road. They are bulk molding and come with peripheral vision instead of an integrated visor. That means you are protected from dirt, stone, flying bugs, noise, and serious injury. In California, you must wear a DOT-certified helmet, whether riding a motorcycle or in the passenger seat.
Let’s watch this video by Jack Wilson, a product specialist and helmet dexterous in this field, to know more!
Jason, a helmet enthusiast, is the owner of HelmetsAdvisor.com shares his innovative idea that helps people get the proper knowledge of helmets and their accessories to go ahead!
Helmets are usually life-saving elements to run! That's why, an expert on helmets, Jason built this site to express his gathering knowledge and first-hand user experience over decades.